With revenue of around EUR 1.97 billion and 2.17 billion kilograms of milk processed every year, we reach many people around the world with our milk products including evaporated milk, cheese, drinking milk, milk powder and yoghurt.
By investing in sustainability, our plants as well as our employees, we secure the future success of our company.
We assume responsibility for our employees based on our philosophy as a cooperative dairy company. Hochwald is distinguished by collective agreements, fair pay and occupational pension provision. Sustainability is a priority for us. For this reason, it is the task of our managerial staff to support and encourage employees in their further development. This is a central concern for us, as is the respectful treatment of each other.
Hochwald thrives on its great collaboration – across all departments and locations. It’s not only in times of crisis that we stand together with our cooperative members for the basic provision of valuable food products.